Sunday, February 27, 2011

A year of updating

Wow- I can't believe it has been almost 1 year since I posted. Lamesauce.

I should be able to post more now that I am done with school... YES that's right, I'm finally done with school! I'm so exicted- excited to have time to do "stuff"... working out, making dinner (poor Jack eating Mac&Cheese or PB&J's for dinner all this time), hanging out with the fam and friends, gardening this spring and summer, and oh how my list could go on and on. It's funny how you don't realize how much time you had until you no longer have it. I suppose that applies to a lot of things in life!
I'm happy to say that our little family is growing! We adopted Luey last September- and oh man, he is our little black ninja! I think we are done with dogs for awhile. Next step... having a baby. WOAH- slow down there, I'm not pregnant. We are waiting just a little while longer (2 years-ish) before we start down that path. :)

(This is Luey in his "non-ninja" state)

We are still living in Sugarhouse. We've done a little decorating though- new paint, furniture, etc to really make our house our home. It's coming together so nicely! Decorating/re-decorating can be soooo expensive which is why I'm glad we are doing it incrementally. We have a few more pieces of furniture to get before it's really complete... I love decorating!

Alright - gotta jet!


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