Monday, May 11, 2009

Dogs do the funniest things!

Jack and I were making the bed when Hannah decided where she wanted to lay... this is where she ended up!

She loves Jack so much!

Here is a cute one of Harvey sleeping on me at the cabin...

Dogs are such great animals! No matter what happens in your day, dogs are always so excited and happy to see you when you get home!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some Purty Flurs!

In light of the recent good weather, my mom, sister and I ventured out to buy some flowers for planting. We went to 3 different stores (Engh, Home Depot, Wasatch Gardens) to find everything we were looking for. My mom is an absolute expert on flowers!

After shopping, it was time to get the flowers potted and planted.
Oh my gosh... we found the cutest little ceramic garden mushrooms I just had to have (see below)! Jack also mowed and weed eated... good job babeh! :)

Spending the day with my mom and sister was so enjoyable! We definitely need to do little things like this more often.

Here are the results of a hard day at work:

Our house...

Cutest Mushrooms... EVER!

If you can't tell, I'm pretty stoked about these!

A cute black pot...

Little pot...

Large Pot...

Large pot again...

Hanging flowers...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

This weekend was such a wet one so let's play some word association, shall we?!

rain = water
water = wet dirt
wet dirt = mud
mud = my dogs digging in it
digging in the mud = not good for cream furniture


Damnit... I am so ready for sunshine and warm weather...